Class Presentation Session for Cohort 2
The Start-up and SME Resource Centre (SSRC) organized the Class Presentation Session for the second cohort on 7 January 2022. Five student consultancy teams presented their consultancy projects to the audience.
SSRC invited Dr. Thomas Leung (Associate Dean, School of Business; Associate Professor, Department of Marketing), Dr. Amy Wang (Assistant Professor, Department of Management) and Mr. Cannon Fung (Section Head, Career Planning and Development) to share their valuable comments to the student consultancy teams for further improvement on their consultancy reports.

Student consultants presented their consultancy projects.

Dr. Thomas Leung (Middle), Dr. Amy Wang (Left) and Mr. Cannon Fung (Right) patiently listened to the presentation of the student consultancy teams.

Dr. Thomas Leung shared his valuable comments and experience to the student consultants at the end of the Class Presentation Session.